My Hen is limping!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 30, 2014
My son said that he saw my bsl walking up the ramp (has chicken wire on it) and she got her leg stuck in the wire and he had to pull it out...with love. She has a pretty good limp. I came home and she is just laying there next to the water. She doesn't want to walk around, duh. What do I do? It doesn't look like anyone is picking on her. She just doesn't want to move. I have picked her up several times to look at her foot and see nothing wrong. no owies. She even got into the nesting box to lay.....

What do I do with her? Will it heal on it's own? Do I really have to separate her from the flock? Should i be scared? dumbest question..... will she die?
If it is sprained it may heal on it's own in a couple of weeks of resting the leg. If she gets too active, I would probably put in a cage in the coop or run during the day, so that she can see the rest of the chickens. Some poultry vitamins in the water would not hurt either.
Thank you so much for the response!! She is just laying there. Alert, but not moving. She will get up and hop to eat, and drink, but she's just laying on the grass
So, you are telling me to kinda just leave her alone and she will heal. I make sure she gets food, and I will make sure she gets treats. I have to put her up on the roost at night, and my son took her off the roost this morning.
Sprains are pretty common in chickens. I had a chicken limp for over a month with a sprain. Hopefully it's just a sprain, and nothing more serious such as an infectious disease. Seeing her with her foot stuck at least gives you a reason why she won't move. Hopefully, she will get up a bit, and keep from soiling herself.
She is doing better today! Thank you!

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