My hen is making gurgling noises and has white stuff near her ears! HELP!


In the Brooder
Jul 8, 2022
We bought this hen about 7 months ago from a seller. Her breed and age is unknown. She lays eggs just fine and I still haven’t gotten a chance to examine her poop. She also is missing feathers but that because of mating. A rooster of mine that was with them for about 2 days has canker so idk if that helps. I’ve been giving them medicated water(Ronidazole 10%3tsp/3gals) to prevent/treat any canker they might have. Any ideas?


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Least I can do is bump this back to the top of the page to see if someone can help you.
Sounds like your rooster spread the canker to her
Bumping is against the rules and all it really does is show the thread now has a reply/answer. So, it may get looked at or glossed over since it shows a reply. Just sayin';)

@JesusRaises have you actually looked inside your hen's beak to see if she's got canker lesions?
Make sure her crop is emptying overnight.
Bumping is against the rules and all it really does is show the thread now has a reply/answer. So, it may get looked at or glossed over since it shows a reply. Just sayin';)

@JesusRaises have you actually looked inside your hen's beak to see if she's got canker lesions?
Make sure her crop
She has no canker lesion and I treated the whole flock with medicated water for 3 days. Her crop seems empty. Without a doubt it probably is a respiratory infection and we’re getting the supplies tmrw so no stress.
She has no canker lesion and I treated the whole flock with medicated water for 3 days. Her crop seems empty. Without a doubt it probably is a respiratory infection and we’re getting the supplies tmrw so no stress.
Ronidazole is given for 7 days.

It could be respiratory illness, that's the risk you take when bringing in new birds. Hopefully you can get some meds to treat symptoms. Keep in mind that Canker and Respiratory illness are both contagious and make bird carriers, so it's best to keep a closed flock.

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