My hen just pooped this out. What is it?!!!


May 24, 2020

It’s squishy like rubber. I am super worried.
It looks to be lash, can be a sign for a reproductive issue or infection. what breed is she and how old? I wouldn't worry unless it happens again.
I don’t remember her breed. I think leghorn. She is five. I just noticed that she was pooping green so I brought her in and she pooped that. It’s treatable right? She is my last original bird and I just lost my favorite in November to sour crop. What can I do? I really don’t want to lost her.
It looks to be lash, can be a sign for a reproductive issue or infection. what breed is she and how old? I wouldn't worry unless it happens again.
Can it be caused by dehydration? She looked dehydrated this morning with slight purplish tips on her comb so I took her in and noticed green poop.
No, she was probably sick from it.
I am going to try for the vet tomorrow morning but is it treatable? Could she have more stuck in there? I am literally crying because I am so upset and worried. I had take my iguana in less than a week ago because she had a infection too!
I am going to try for the vet tomorrow morning but is it treatable? Could she have more stuck in there? I am literally crying because I am so upset and worried. I had take my iguana in less than a week ago because she had a infection too!
It's treatable, but if she's a production breed, especially an older one, it might (usually not) keep happening. I actually don't see an sign of infection in the gunk itself, it could be a piece of the oviduct. She's not in any pain, and it might not happen ever again, that could be all of it. So don't worry. :)
Here's some more info:
Post #4 has info in medications.
It's treatable, but if she's a production breed, especially an older one, it might (usually not) keep happening. I actually don't see an sign of infection in the gunk itself, it could be a piece of the oviduct. She's not in any pain, and it might not happen ever again, that could be all of it. So don't worry. :)
Here's some more info:
Post #4 has info in medications.
The reason I was so concerned is because she had been acting a little off. She also is pooping green and she won’t eat but a few bites. She won’t lay down to sleep tonight either. It just really gave me a scare because I have lost quite a few this year including my youngest dog so I was like I am going to lose her now and went into a tailspin.
How is your hen doing?

It does look like Lash Material (Salpingitis). If caught early, you can try treating with an antibiotic to help with inflammation. Prognosis of Salpingitis can be fairly poor depending on how advanced. Baytril is a good antibiotic to give.
With her not laying down, being off and not eating, then she's having a difficult time.
I'd keep her hydrated, see if she's interested in bits of egg. It probably won't hurt her to have extra calcium for a few days. 1 Caltrate daily. This may help with contractions and she can push more material out.
I'm sorry you're having a rough year. Sadly, laying hens can develop problems as they age and go down hill quickly.
How is your hen doing?

It does look like Lash Material (Salpingitis). If caught early, you can try treating with an antibiotic to help with inflammation. Prognosis of Salpingitis can be fairly poor depending on how advanced. Baytril is a good antibiotic to give.
With her not laying down, being off and not eating, then she's having a difficult time.
I'd keep her hydrated, see if she's interested in bits of egg. It probably won't hurt her to have extra calcium for a few days. 1 Caltrate daily. This may help with contractions and she can push more material out.
I'm sorry you're having a rough year. Sadly, laying hens can develop problems as they age and go down hill quickly.
She made it through the night. The vet gave me cephalexin and sent a poop sample out to be tested to see what’s going on. I started her on it this morning and tonight she is laying down to sleep. Tonight when I gave her the medication, I hold her on the toilet in a towel and when I turned away she flew onto the edge of the shower and jumped back into the tub. She is still off and pretty lethargic but she is drinking water on her own and I have given her some liquid vitamins and some sugar water to help. She still isn’t right but she has only had two doses so I wasn’t expecting her to instantly pop back because of how bad it was. I don’t think she is getting worse, knock on wood. I gave her some pure calcium earlier so I don’t want to give her anymore right now. Her comb looks red and her things under her beak look red too so I don’t see pale. It’s not like she is totally void of strength she can pick her self up and move slowly, when she wants too.

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