my hen lays eggs on the indoor couch

Probably not if u throw an inch or 2 of pine shavings on the floor. That's what I did, it's easy to sweep out n replace. I've also never had any splinters. :)
Mealworms. They love em!!!! N they last a long time in the fridge. I just take em out n a few min later they start moving. The chicks go nuts plus u can buy a dozen or so of baby crickets. It's so fun to watch them chase the bugs. Lmao. Also, great protein for them :)
Mealworms. They love em!!!! N they last a long time in the fridge. I just take em out n a few min later they start moving. The chicks go nuts plus u can buy a dozen or so of baby crickets. It's so fun to watch them chase the bugs. Lmao. Also, great protein for them :)
Ok! Thanks. Do you know if chicks can eat lettus caus I know grown chickens love it!

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