My hen may have a broken leg


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 19, 2012
When I came home today and went out to gather the eggs and noticed one of my brown leghorns lying in the corner of the run, when she got up I noticed she was limping, she walks on the hurt leg but it is kind of turned in, I don't know if its broken or maybe out of socket, is there anything I can do for her, I have 23 chickens 2 of them are roosters and one has started trying to mount the hens and it has also started turning cooler in the upper 30's at night, so I'm not sure what I need to do.
Auroura broke her leg once, and we splinted it with black tape and bamboo. If it wasn't swollen, though, I would say it might be bruised or sprained
In the beginning I thought maybe she had pulled her leg out of socket because there didn't appear to be any breaks anywhere, she was unable to put hardly any pressure on it, but she was still able to stand and now a couple weeks later she is only moving around on her elbows so I don't know if it was too much for her other leg to hold her up, she can move both legs when I'm holding her, she eats but seems under weight, her poo is regular and she has no sign of a cold, shes a brown leghorn, we bought 9 all at the same time and the others are fine and laying eggs, she hasn't laid any that I know of, she's very alert, I didn't separate her in the beginning for about a week she was pretty much by herself and slept on top of the nest, unable to hold on to to the roost, so I've had her in the house now for several days, I brought her in because I noticed she wasn't standing and the bad leg was dirty and cold so it might have even been alittle frostbit, I'm not sure, I washed her legs and have had her in the house except on warm days when I put her in a small cage outside to get some sun, I'm wondering if its a vitamin defficientcy. I would really like to know if anyone has had a similar problem.

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