my hen won't lay

I just had to put down a hen who was egg bound and I did not know it. She acted fine and ate fine and didn't appear to have anything wrong, except she obviously should have been laying from how she looked and her age. Well, I finally picked her up and started feeling and I could feel a huge mass, the shape of an egg in her lower bottom side. However, when I discovered this it was already too late. She didn't take long to get bad enough for me to put her down. I tried all the things suggested to help them get it worked out, but since I didn't catch it earlier and because it was so far up in the duct, it had accumulated some nasty, compacted gunk that pretty much made it impossible for her to recover. I left her alone as long as she seemed to be getting along alright, then one day I walked out and she was on her side in obvious pain. I opened her up after putting her down and found a mass, including a fully formed egg, about the size of a tennis ball.
So, if she is egg bound, I believe you should be able to feel it in there, after all, it is an egg.
Good luck, she is a beauty and I hope you can figure out her deal and she gets over it, whatever it is.

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