My hens are burying their eggs!

Artichoke Lover

Free Ranging
Jul 27, 2020
Southeast US
I have 12 pullets that are almost a year old. In the past 2 weeks they’ve started burying the eggs under the straw in the nesting boxes and 1 has stopped laying in the box. They’ve never done this before. They’ve also just started going through their first molt but are still laying pretty good so far. This is a bit of a problem because it makes it easy to miss eggs and I’m worried about them burying them in other parts of the coop where I won’t find them until I muck it out.
Maybe one pullet lays an egg, and then when the next one comes in it has to "rearrange" the nesting bow again before it lays it's egg. When if "fixes up" the nesting box to it's personal preference, it buries the other pullet's egg by accident. Could this be possible in your situation?
Try giving less bedding in there nest. They might not be burying them but just losing them under a lot of bedding.
I haven’t changed the amount or type of bedding. I’ll try taking some out for a day or two but with any less I risk the eggs cracking. They also all have tendency to drag any eggs they can find to their nest like a broody but none of them have ever stayed on the nest. I’ve actually caught them rolling the eggs back into the middle before they get in.
Maybe one pullet lays an egg, and then when the next one comes in it has to "rearrange" the nesting bow again before it lays it's egg. When if "fixes up" the nesting box to it's personal preference, it buries the other pullet's egg by accident. Could this be possible in your situation?
I don’t think so. Usually all the eggs are covered in every nesting box even if there is only 1 egg.
Are your nest boxes wooden? It's possible that this may be happening , I've seen my hens do this. A hen scratches around randomly in the Box, knocks the egg up against the wood, cracking it. And proceeds to eat the egg, and has learned that if she gets in the box and scratches around hard enough she may get an egg to eat. Therefore she tries it everyday in every box. I've even caught a hen with a porcelain egg repeatedly kicking it against the box trying to crack it open. In doing so they bury the eggs under the hay. You could try a mustard filled egg to discourage whoever has learned this Behavior. If this isn't exactly what's going on then most likely it's still just from hens scratching around in the boxes in my opinion.
Are your nest boxes wooden? It's possible that this may be happening , I've seen my hens do this. A hen scratches around randomly in the Box, knocks the egg up against the wood, cracking it. And proceeds to eat the egg, and has learned that if she gets in the box and scratches around hard enough she may get an egg to eat. Therefore she tries it everyday in every box. I've even caught a hen with a porcelain egg repeatedly kicking it against the box trying to crack it open. in the Box

That's a pretty good idea. Thanks for pointing it out to the OP

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