My hen's comb gushing blood this morning.


8 Years
May 14, 2011
San Diego, CA
This morning I went outside to give the chickens table scraps when I noticed my white leghorn named lily was covered in red. I was completely shocked, her own blood drenched her from head to shoulder! It had happened very recently because I had seen her a few minutes ago and she was fine. We caught her and layed her down on a table. Her face was covered in blood so we used a towel to wipe it off. We then used it to wipe off the rest of the blood. We found that the blood was coming from the back of the comb where the comb joins to the head. We immediately knew what had happened. We had seen our rooster using her comb as a grip rather than her feathers when mounting her. We think he had mounted her and while gripping her very large comb with his beak, may have slipped and ripped the comb a bit. And because her comb has amount of blood in it, it began gushing extra blood. We had earlier found a scab on the comb that we suspected was for the same reason. She is okay now, despite the pain on her head she was still enjoying the table scraps. I found blood droplets on the side of the house where I think the incident happened. Is there a way to stop my rooster from grabbing her comb rather than the feathers? This is urgent as he may accidentally reopen the wound!
I would separate her until healed.

Then I'd try to put some no-pick lotion or black salve on it (after healed) which tastes bad to hopefully keep his beak off!!! You should be able to find some at the feed store.

Sorry though- I haven't dealt with the roo grabbing and making a comb bleed. But that rooster booster pick no more lotion works very well from my experience- they cannot stand the taste.

And of course pinless peepers might work on him....
It may sound silly... but I wonder if you could put a little hat on her... It would make her look cute and serve a purpose... BUT I doubt that would stay on

Other than that you may want to put some bag balm or vicks vaporub on her comb... once he tastes that he probably wont go back for the comb... Hopefully someone with more insight can hop in.
ur right,thats funny!lol. I can just picture all the little hens in little bonnets running around the yard. I would seperate her till heeled.then go with the no pick lotion. gl
I don't know about accident. But they were going at it in the horse water, old bath tub, when I started milking the goats and when I finished she was dead. What other conclusion could I draw?

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