my hens didnt lay today!!!

Sometimes you can tell by the color of their combs (the redder the better). But it may just be that your girls are each laying 2-3 eggs every 3-5 days. Not all chickens will lay one egg a day, no matter what breed or age.
The other thing is that hens need sunshine - we live in the north and during winter months they don't lay unless I have a light in their coop
It's funny that you mentioned Friday as the day they don't lay earlier in the thread... because it's Friday and my dependable GComet hasn't given me an egg today!
From what I have read, I shouldn't worry yet.
We did have a hawk swoop down on the pen (which is safely covered) and scare the girls half out of their wits yesterday... would that be a factor?
Also, she layed an enormous egg the day before -- almost twice her normal size. Does that mean anything?
It's all new to me!!!

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