My hens have parasites! CAN ANYONE HELP?

One treatment with the cayenne should have eliminated anything that was present, except the eggs. As with most any treatment, you must follow up in 10 days to get the new hatchlings. However, continuous and repeated treatments, with various wormers, will do no good after the first cayenne treatment. Wait until after the 10 days to do your fecal test. Again, treating any internal parasite with DE is just throwing your money away...........Pop
Well Kansas, sounds like your vet is unfamiliar with avian parasites. The simplest way to eliminate most kinds of worms in a laying flock is with cayenne pepper. Chickens don`t have heat resceptors like most animals and will eat cayenne like candy. There is no reason to not eat their eggs as cayenne is natural, so when they begin to lay again, you`re all set. Worms can`t take the heat. Cayenne in the front, worms RUN out the back. Mix it in their feed to make the feed look rusty. Repeat in 10 days to get the hatchlings.........Pop

Pop, you are a veritable wonder- thank you. I didn't know that. And I love cayenne pepper and buy it in large doses so heck-- I will share just because LOL! And the garlic, great idea too. Dawg, you always know what to use and I am learning to watch for your posts so I can learn. Thanks to all of you. Dawg where do you purchase your Valbazan, online?

Can I also ask (not to steal a thread) any help with fly issue? They are everywhere and biting me.
Don't discard your eggs - boil them and crush them up to feed back to your gals. I worm with wazine or ivomec once a year. The added protein from the eggs gives them a boost.
There is wormer residue in the eggs, you are unknowingly extending the withdrawal period. Not to mention possible helping with wormer resistance later on down the road. There is a 14 day slaughter withdrawal after using wazine. If the chickens are good to eat then, so are the eggs. Give the eggs to your dog(s.) Wazine had no effect on dogs. Do not give them eggs after using ivomec products, including chickens...toss them in the garbage for 14 days. Try eprinex instead of ivermectin, it hasnt any withdrawal period. I still prefer valbazen over all of them. carries valbazen...a cattle/sheep wormer. You can call them. I just bought a 500ml bottle a few weeks ago. It expires sometime in 2014. Altogether it was about $42-$44 including shipping. They ship quick.

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