My hens starting laying!!


12 Years
Apr 8, 2007
Philly, PA
Hi guys, it's been a very long time since I last posted. Mainly because school has been ripping me up. I am trying to get my nursing RN and raise my four kids at the same basically I'm lucky to have time to breathe. I'm so tired I could cry...*sigh*
ANYHOW, I'm doing the happy dance because 4 of my 15 chickens starting laying.
They are 6 months old this month.
Two Rhode Island Reds, one Ameraucana and one California White. My Barred Rocks are still taking their time.
I didn't know how loud they would be when laying!!!
Also is it normal for them to "announce" either before or after they lay one?
I have noticed that they get up on a the roost and announce the commencing of a laying, and then after they finish they get back up on the roost and announce that the egg is here.
It is SO funny!! The other chickens stand below the roost and watch the announcer in awe. I giggle every time.
Also, two sort of strange things happened. One was the first time my Ameraucana layed she layed an egg without a shell. It sort of freaked us out. She has been laying fine since, but I was wondering if that was normal. Her eggs are very's almost a shame to eat them, but boy they taste good!
The other thing is the California White layed her first egg and it was all covered in goop. It was clear and slimey. :| And then she hasn't layed since. That was two days ago. Should I be concerned?

How is everyone by the way?
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Funny enough too, the Barred Rocks are the more shy of the bunch. Everyone had said my Leghorns would be skittish and fly all over in a panic when we got near, but for the most part they're pretty calm. The Barred Rocks don't panic, but they don't like being touched.
Our friendliest are the RIRs. They LOVE being pet. They actually walk up to us and peck our toes until we pet them. I learned the hard way not to go into the coop with my flip-flops!
All the chickens but the Barred Rocks do this "bow" thing when we get near. They dip down and bow their heads until we pet them! It's so neat. Has anyone else experienced that?
OMG.....thats so funny cuz i styaed home today sick from work and just went outside late to let the babys out of the pen and the darn RIR's were peking at my feet!It hurt cuz some of them are debeaked but the several that arent thought I had worms for them to eat!lol....They get bread in the morn and night,I was alittle late so they were mad at me.I have 6 barredrocks who are alittle flighty but once you pick them up they love being pet.Dont they look like little eagles.Does yours have green eyes?My Plymouth barred rock just started spurring me in the back so hes gna get a smackdown soon from mr.shovel!lol:)
Green? Wow! I didn't know they could have green eyes! No, all mine have yellow eyes...every single one, just different shades of yellow. Some darker...the Ameraucanas have near brown.

Yeah, our chickens get very excited when my husband goes near the coop. He SWEARS he doesn't like them, but I see him catch crickets and worms and bring them to the coop at least 3 times a day.

They now see him as a chicken version of the ice cream man!
Hi, we recently got a barred Rock rooster and he seemed nice at first. not that he is mean but he comes at us when we go in to feed them. not really familiar with this breed as far as the rooster. any advice or info on their nature and personality?

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