My home 'Cornish Cross' eggs...


12 Years
Mar 15, 2007
Washington State
... are in the hatching tray. They should pop with any luck on Sunday.

I have 10 or 12 eggs set which are Dark Cornish X Black Sex Link and Dark Cornish X Freedom Ranger (gourmet black).

I had a humidity issue with the incubator (too high) and I had a really crappy hatch of ducks & geese last week. Let's hope we corrected in time and this hatch goes well.
Well I hope you are eager and not anxious!

I'll probably do the next clutch with straight Dark Cornish (I need to upsize my terminal sire) and probably Cornish X Sussex & Cornish X Barred Rock.

The incubator is really full of duck and goose eggs at the moment, chicken eggs will get priority once the waterfowl are finished laying.
I'm a little of both actually
I have my heart set on trying to raise these myself, but I've been reading some discouraging things, granted most of it is speculation, but all it takes is a seed. The optimist in me says it will be a superior bird, we're going to go with that personality today

I'm particularly looking forward in seeing how the freedom ranger X turns out. I haven't raised Freedom Rangers yet, but I've been looking into the breed and I'm considering giving them a try. I'm hoping your X turns out an even meatier bird quickly with a better quality of life than those other unmentionable crosses.
Well I have 8 or 9 of the buggers. I'll try to get the picture downloaded tonight. I will need som help with this, because all 8 look different. This is, of course, the result you get breeding hybrids. But, I think there are some trends in their appearance which can be used to separate them.

I had previously bred Cornish to a Barred Rock and Speckled Sussex. To this day, I'm not sure which crosses were which. They did taste great, though.
Best of luck. I purchased Cobb eggs from someone on BYC and have 14 eggs due to hatch in 7 days. Can't wait to try raising my own meat birds for the first time.

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