My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

Update: Morning of Day 3

As I said, I would update with good and bad news.

Today started not so good, I got woken by cawing at 06:00am. Because of the rain last night, I turned the player off at 04:30pm and one of the persistent two Crows slept in the front tree. I did manage to chase one off during the rain but this one would not budge.

Anyways, this morning it was cawing to other Crows in the neighbourhood and even though I turned the player on just after 6am, two Crows were on my roof and one on the roof two doors down. I could hear a few in the neighbourhood.

So, as mentioned, I am trying some tweaking of positioning etc. I have moved the laptop to under the gazebo and attached some speakers which I now have on a shelf, pointing skywards. The instructions suggest that pointing the speakers skywards is the preferred option and I was not technically doing that with the laptop in the shed.

It is reasonably quiet now, so maybe the repositioning has been effective, we shall see.
Crow Be Gone Update; morning of Day 4
It was quiet for the majority of the day while the mp3 was playing. One Crow came back in the evening, apparently determined to roost in either our front tree or the neighbour’s tree out the back, I managed to discourage him.

Got woken by cawing at 06:20am; one in the back tree talking to one out the front. Nothing like the numbers in the past and while I can still see Crows flying over, they do not stop in.

The mp3 is playing now and it is reasonably quiet out there. I tweaked the position of the speakers and volume yesterday. All reports indicate that after a week or two of playing the mp3, even the determined one’s should give up .. again, we shall see.
Hey enola

Justin Bieber …. Lol, kidding!!

It is reported to only be targeted at Crows and does not affect other pets including dogs, cats, chickens and guinea pigs. It emits the sounds a crow or raven makes when it is warning others that a predator is nearby and a mix of bird calls; maybe a Hawk and/or Eagle and sections where it plays nothing at all which apparently makes the Crows even more nervous. It is not a continuous sound to which they could become accustomed.

It has not upset the girls at all and is not played very loud to the point that I can hardly hear it and the neighbours definitely could not.
Justin Bieber would certainly scare me away!!
Lol! I wouldn't be able to stand to play it to scare the birds away!

Oh, and this is so unrelated, but I'm involved in an RP: The Verge of War....check it out, it's super fun! We'd love to have you guys ;-)
Crow be Gone Update: Morning of Day 5

*Sigh* got woken at 05:30am by cawing right outside our bedroom window. Again, nothing like the numbers in the past and appears to just be a determined one or two. I managed to ensure that there were no Crows in the front or back trees at bed time last night but they apparently came back for the morning shift!

My neighbour was working out in the garden yesterday and knowing that I have the mp3 playing was watching the Crow in the back tree. He reckons that “it sat there for the majority of the day” and he believes “it is sitting there warning the other Crows who just fly over and keep going”.

Anyways, I had the mp3 player plus speakers under the gazebo, pointing skywards and the two determined Crows were under the gazebo, rummaging through my shelves again!

Today I am trying a reposition and have the speakers inside, at the kitchen window, pointing skywards … no chance of them finding them there!

So, basically, to date, I have managed to move the majority of the Crows away except for these final couple. Can’t really call it a win because I am still being woken at the crack of dawn by cawing

I will persevere with volume and positioning to see if I can actually win this war!

While it is totally against my nature, I confess to having evil thoughts against these remaining few ... apparently if you hang a dead Crow from a tree that also works as a deterrent ... anyone know where I can get a dead Crow?
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I've heard the dead crow thing too, it's supposed to work...wonder if you could make something that looks like a dead crow out of feathers? Got any black chickens that molted recently? Yeah, I'm no help
Lol MadamPoofyBrow

I actually do have a black chicken, Dusty [bantam Langshan] who went through a hard moult a couple of months ago; to the point that she was pretty well ready for being basted and surrounded by potatoes in an oven BUT I did not think to keep her feathers.

Actually, poor ole Dusty has nearly been chased off on a couple of occasions … because of her size and colour, if you can not see her comb, she could be mistaken for a Crow!

However, I do not think she wants to volunteer to play the role of ‘dead crow hanging from a tree’
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