My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

Hi there potato chip, it is a bluey/grey colour.

Yeah, if you saw the pics in the Aussie thread, I have/had a problem with the wind also, totally destroyed our gazebo canopy but we have a newer, stronger one now. The old one did well though, it was up there for 3-4 years and had hail damage so it really could not handle the wind any longer.

Anyways, the umbrella is anchored in a concrete block which I can hardly lift, so the most it can do is turn itself outwards.

I honestly do not believe the reason there is no Crows is the umbrella, as I mentioned, I have not heard them for days and they have been a constant background noise for many months and off and on for years.

I am thinking that someone has may be disposed of them which is highly illegal and as much as I complain about them, not something I would remotely consider doing. I want to deter them, not kill them
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You are so lucky to have so much crow medicine! You can teach them all kinds of tricks for more entertainment. They have many gifts to offer you.
So, I thought it was time I updated this thread.

I am pleased to say that while the Crows are still in residence in the neighbourhood, they no longer trespass into our garden; they fly over and around and sit in neighbouring trees but do not land in our garden. We have been Crow free for 9 months now.

To be honest I do not know if it was the crazy lady with the broom etc, the umbrella [which was only there for a couple of days] or the beating up by a territorial Bantam Langshan but whatever it was, they have now worked out that they are not welcome here
Did you send them to my place, Teila? I feel like I'm living in Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds..... "My" crows have no reticence in where they go. They are as bold as brass.

I also got the attention of some pink and grey galahs who came here and ate the roof off my bunny houses. :(
Not intentionally potato chip

You so very much have my sympathies; if your murder is anything like ours, they can be a pain in the proverbial

All I can say is do not give up! Persist at making them think twice about your place being somewhere good to hang out; you do not want them getting comfortable.

Obviously, by this thread, it took me a long time but it definitely was worth it.

I think one key point is to ensure that they do not roost in your trees overnight because that definitely feels like home to them. I had great success at convincing them to move on at night time using my elongated crow moveronner
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I think one key point is to ensure that they do not roost in your trees overnight because that definitely feels like home to them.
Well, they actually live in a tree over the back at a neighbour's. They had babies. The babies are now pretty much grown up, and they are still living locally and coming to my place. I thought they'd move on when I moved my big girls into their new house with covered run, but they still come looking.....
Well, they actually live in a tree over the back at a neighbour's.  They had babies.  The babies are now pretty much grown up, and they are still living locally and coming to my place.  I thought they'd move on when I moved my big girls into their new house with covered run, but they still come looking.....

Maybe you could get an extra long extendable crow moveronner to shove them out of the neighbors tree :p

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