My home has become 'Crow Central' Why?

Big Sigh! .. Oh joy, they’re back! [supersized sarcasm intended]

While not in the same numbers as in the past, the evil black #$%^&’s are messing with my head again!

So far this morning I think I have been outside at least 10 times waving a broom in an attempt to scare them off and regain some degree of peace and quiet.

In the past week they have emptied and/or dragged the girls food containers across the garden, threatened the girls to the point that they were hiding in the run and then they sat in the trees taunting them.

So, on the off chance that the laws have changed and it is open season on Crows, I did some research and sadly, they are still a protected species ... my day will come!

I did find this:

Today, we find large numbers of these crows living in suburban areas. No longer are the flocks small, nor are they passing by. Instead crows are making their roosts in backyards and suburban parks where they can become noisy, messy and sometimes destructive.

Probably a good thing that the site did not have the option to respond ... I am pretty sure my "No @#$% Sherlock" response would not have been well received

Have I mentioned I HATE Crows?!
Have I mentioned I HATE Crows?!
Let's make a club. I had them all under my patio the other day. The thing that gets me with them is how bold they are. I went out there and they don't even bother flying off. They just sit there and stare at you. If you do flap and make them fly off, they only fly off a little way and sit there staring at you.

(can we include as "hatees" the 2 destructo-cockies who ate my bunny houses?)
Yep, the Crow Haters Club is now up and running and accepting new members!

I did manage to chase them off often enough today that they did not get to bully the girls away from their breakfast but they will be back!

I think the fact that they sit there and stare at you, probably working out ways to kill you, that I hate them so much. That plus the noise, the destructiveness, the bullying etc


(can we include as "hatees" the 2 destructo-cockies who ate my bunny houses?)

Yeah, why not, may be it should be the EEEVIL Bird Haters Club?
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I am trying to work and all I can hear is Crows!

I am normally a peaceful, easy going, animal lover but right now I could quite happily wring the neck on every single one of them!
So, I go out there to give the bunnies their salad and who arrives and sits there, cawing at me.... Do you think they could have the internet and arrange to annoy us all?
Yesterday, I saw one of "my" crows flying off and he/she had a chook feather in her beak. I think they must be getting the feathers for their nests?
I have crows, ravens and magpies around where I live and despite there being open fields where one can see gliding kestrels and other birds of prey literally down the road from where I live, I haven't seen a single one over where I live, other than a strange owl that was out during the day, I believe it was an escaped pet or something, that was circling around our yard once though, but it lost interest when it heard the chattering and cawing from our unusual guards.

The various corvids that live nearby and visit the yard haven't messed with my chickens, even with the tiny chicks, but they saw what mama hen did to my cat and probably don't want to have their feathers plucked out by her. :p I feed them by tossing leftovers onto the shed roof for them to eat also, to ensure they stick around and keep the more dangerous birds away. I have also observed them sometimes try and land on the yard to gather molted feathers, but get chased off by the territorial sparrows who hoard the feathers to themselves for their nests.
Thank you both for your thoughts

OK, maybe I am being a little harsh on my new house guests and I will try and be more accommodating. I have not seen any Hawks around here but if they are going to chase them off; I will learn to live with them.

I will add though, this morning, when I looked out the window there was something in the driveway and when I went to check it out, it was a meaty spinal disc of some large animal, maybe a cow or sheep. I believe they have stolen one of the neighbour's dogs bones!

Or, is it a warning?! lol
Cue the 'Birds' soundtrack!

If I should 'disappear' hopefully someone will find this thread and it could be a starting point for the investigation

Only 7 of them in this shot; the rest were in the trees, planning the attack! lol

I can see it now police investigate missing BYC member. All other BYC members keep saying it was the crows it was the crows lol

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