My Ideal chicks! +others


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
I have some pictures of my latest chicks I thought I'd share! They are from Ideal, and right now I have three Madagascar Games, a Modern Game, a Jersey Giant, and a Golden Laced Cochin. I had another Modern Game and another Madagascar game, but they were kind of off from the start and both died a few days after arriving.
I know the Madgascars might be mixed with naked necks, but I don't really care. I got them because I liked the look of the breed, and if they are a little watered down that's alright with me (and if they aren't, that's also fine!). They are all pullets, except for the Modern Game who was strait run. It's looking like a girl... but it's probably too early to tell.
2 days old

The box they came in. Seems a bit cramped in there! The red chicks were all packing peanuts that I sold.

Madagascar Gamefowl

Madagascar Gamefowl, this is the one that died.

Madagascar Gamefowl

Madagascar Gamefowl

Modern Game bantam. I'm not sure I like how she's turning out, she's not any leggier than a regular chick. She's friendly though.

Golden Laced Cochin

Jersey Giant


Two weeks
I took pictures of the Madgascars last week. They are my favorites of the group, they look like little vultures! Very friendly, too.

Does anyone else have experience with Ideal's Madgascars or Modern Games? I'd love to see how they turned out! (I've seen plenty of Cochins and a few Jersey Giants, but you can share them as well)
And here are some of my older chicks (now eight weeks) as they grew up:

Adventure Cat the leghorn

Rainbow the red sexlink

Jonas the Barred Rock
They are four weeks old now! Getting big, and I'm loving the way the Madagascars are looking. Such cool birds! On the other hand, the Modern Game keeps getting uglier! Oh well, someday I'll get a nice one... maybe she'll be prettier when she grows up?

Raptor, Madagascar

Ptera, Madagascar

Raptor, Madagascar

Raptor, Madagascar

Precious, Jersey Giant

Miss America, Modern Game

Unnamed, breed unknown

Butterfly, Cochin and Rex, Madagascar
These are pictures of my Madagascar Gamefowl chicks one week old (not hatchery)....

Tell me what you think...

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