My Incubator smells musty?


10 Years
May 21, 2009
Bradford NH
Should I worry about this? I cleaned it with disinfectant soap and let it air out side in the sun. It didn't smell until I turned it on. It's not real strong but I do smell it when I open to turn eggs. Should I take the eggs out and clean it again?
If you take the eggs out, you run the risk of the embryos dying. Unless you can do it SUPER QUICK. If you think you can, I'd spray the inside of the bator with Clorox Cleanup, let it set a minute or two, then wipe it dry.

Good luck
Unless you have a second bator, I woiuld stay with it. A nest box with mama hen is not the cleanest place. But once this hatch is over clean it real good and bring it up to temp and see if it is still musty. Depending on the type of bator you have, will tell what you need to do next.
Thanks, that's what I'm going to do. It's a Hovabator Genisis. I've had 2 hatches in it so far. I think I let it sit too long after the last hatch. It is clean so I'm hoping for the best.

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