My jap pullet is really acting wierd...


11 Years
Apr 15, 2008
Somerset, KY
Usually she goes in the box, lays her egg and gets out within 15-20 min. The last two days she lounges. Yesterday she was in the box for over an hour...I was out there for at least an hour and don't know how long before or after that she stayed...Sometime in the first half of the time I was out there I took an egg from another nest and laid it in front of her and stepped back, with in a couple minutes she pulled it under her. I thought okay may be a broody...Well, later she was out and the BR was in laying in the same box, so when she was done I took the eggs. Today same thing, I went to check for eggs and there she was again...And again I took an egg from another box and placed it in front of her and she pulled it under her...I will check again later. Maybe I'll leave todays eggs in there and mark them and see if she goes back. Maybe she is collecting. Hmmm...What do you all think?
She may be practicing being broody or maybe she is starting to lay fewer eggs due to the season and she doesn't understand?

She was still in the nestbox tonight when DS went to lock them up at 8:00ish. I'll watch to see what she does.

ETA: and I left the eggs today.
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