My Khaki Campbell has ducklings, now what...?


Dec 15, 2015
I am new to the site and looking for a little advice. Our beautiful Khaki Campbell just broke all the rules, went broody and has just hatched some ducklings.

We have had our ducks for 3 years and they are totally free range, we live on acarage with a dam, they do there own thing and we have never locked them up at night or had an issues losing any.

Now that we have ducklings I was looking for advice from anyone who may have a similar situation and wondering what you did once you had ducklings?

I am in 2 minds, do I let them be and see how they go or do I lock the mother and babies up? (She has never been locked up so not sure she will be happy with me).

Look forward to hearing what others have done.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join us here! I'm afraid I'm not a duck person but please do drop by the duck section. I'm sure the duck keepers there will be able to help with your questions. Here is the link ~

Congrats on your ducklings :celebrate I bet they are super cute :love

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
I think you should keep them free range. Then at night bring you should bring them in that's what I did with my ducklings. Also don't bring them to a heated part of your home they'll get used to the warm temperture and won't be able to handle the cold. Hope this helps

I like the idea of keeping them free range too.
I'll post I the duck area and see how I go.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm a chicken person and don't know much about ducks (even though I've had a few), but definitely post on our Duck link that Yorkshire coop left with you and take advantage of our duck experts there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.

Congratulations on the ducklings! It would be fun to see a photo of them if you would care to share one.

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