My Khaki Drakes have lost their coloring!


12 Years
Jan 16, 2010
This is so strange. My two khaki campbell drakes used to have very vibrant colors, beautiful burgandy-russet breasts, greenish heads and this past year they've faded. I can only tell them from the females because of the voice and size difference. Anyone else ever have that happen?
It seems like molting happened a long time ago....months. I'm used to chickens molting, but if this is molting it sure it taking a long time. Even their curly tail feathers are gone and have been for months. The girls have been very steady layers, and they're all the same age. I guess I'll wait until winter to see if the colors come back.
They seem perfectly normal, eating, pooping, humping the girls, all the usual activities. I guess I'm not worried so much as puzzled.

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