My Kingdom for a Chick! (UPDATE-I Found Some!)


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 29, 2008
Southern Maryland
I found chicks this morning at the farmer's market. They had Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks and Easter Eggers. I chose two little Easter Eggers (I know, I know - I only went for one). Cross your fingers that they are hens!


I recently purchased some australorp eggs on eggbid. Unfortunately, when candling them at day 7, all the yolks were busted up inside the eggs. I was able to salvage 5 eggs.

Yesterday, only one of the remaining five eggs hatched. Wouldn't you know it she's the cutest thing I ever laid eyes on. We have 19 one month old chicks in the garage brooder, but they are so rambunctious I think they would surely kill it if I tried to combine them.

Anyone in Maryland or Virginia have a single chick they would part with in order to keep the little one company. I simply cannot carry it around all day with me and she's peeping her head off.

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If you can't find a little chick locally and you are willing to spend a bit for shipping you could get a couple from mypetchicken. They don't have a 25 minimum order requirement.
Something else you might want to try. Get a NEW, real feather duster, and place it in there with her. She will get up under it, like a momma hen. Worked for me!
I simply cannot carry it around all day with me and she's peeping her head off.

only a true chicken lover would even THINK that!!!
I'm going to try the farmer's market tomorrow morning and see if anyone has chicks for sale.

In the meantime, we've given her (I do so hope it's a her) and teddy bear. Nothing she really just wants to curl up in my lap.

Will try the feather duster if I can't find a chick.

AussieSharon - We have Southern States, but they don't order chicks. However, the Amish frequently sell chicks at the local farmer's market. Also, I'm thinking someone may be selling the proverbial "easter chick."

Keep you fingers crossed.
only a true chicken lover would even THINK that!!!

Isn't that the truth!!

Salon, if you're in southern southern MD, try the feed mill in Loveville and ask there/check their bulletin board (if you have no luck at the farmer's market).

Wish I could help, I'm in So. MD, too and I've got a 'bator full of eggs but they won't hatch for another 2 1/2 weeks--that doesn't do you any good now! Good luck, hope you find that chick a buddy!
Hi Crunchie - Forgive my ignorance, but what is the name of the feedmill in Loveville? Do you have contact info for them?

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