My ladies first eggs!!!


10 Years
Nov 18, 2009
Lugoff, SC
I watered my girls on wednesday 9/29/10 and had no eggs, though I know my BSL's are ready to lay. My EE's, RIR's and BR's are about 3 weeks younger. Today I open the coop door and see 4 eggs on the floor near the H2O/feeder!! Then I looked and saw 14 in 4 of the 6 nest boxes!!! WOW!!!!

I will take many pics and post them on the new egg thread ASAP; My DW and I are jazzed about becoming chicken farmers...FINALLY!! I have had these birds since 5/1/10 and have been expecting the "event" for a few weeks, knowing different breeds lay at varying ages but mostly around 18-22 weeks. None of the eggs are blue/green, so the EE's are not yet producing, but I know that they will!

Way to go!!! I am waiting now but with the days shorter and the weather getting colder, I may have to wait for Spring. What a nice surprise for you!! Keep up the good work and enjoy your fried eggs.
Sorry! So excited was I that I forgot to count them...I have three each of the 4 breeds, 12 total. Only 9 could be laying and of the 9, 3 BSL's are the oldest by 3 weeks. They looked to be 3-4 weeks old when I bought them from the local F & S 5/1, and the others looked to be 1 week at best.
Sorry again, guys. I cannot find my cord to my camera so until it is located I cannot upload the pics. I am also going to get shots of the girls in their boxes! Please bear with me, I promise I will have visuals matching my descriptions.
Yay! Congrats!
My white leghorn laid her first egg yesterday!! I only have 6 chickens and i am waiting for the other five to start laying.... and it's taking FOREVER!!!

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