My Laying Flock Eggs for Yours! (For NYDH)


9 Years
Sep 18, 2010
Western MT
I'll be participating in the NYD Hatch-a-thon, and I was thinking it would be nice to trade eggs with a couple of other BYCers!

In my flock:
My Rooster is "Lincoln" (Feather-shanked Blue Copper Marans)

His lady friends consist of French Black Copper Marans, Easter/Olive/Chocolate Eggers, an Australorp, a Black Star, a bantam Buff Brahma, and some bantam Cochin/FCBM crosses (mini Marans look a likes).

I'll add some pictures of their past babies. Let me know if you'd like to trade :)
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How many eggs? Are you NPIP? I have mine running together right now, but the babies are cute :). I have giant blue, black and splash Cochins and an EE hen and production reds.
Thanks GreasyDog, he's a good Roo. No need in this world for an aggressive rooster ;) If you get a broody hen or an incubator, let me know :)

Jen85- I'm getting around 8 eggs/day right now, so it just depends on how many you want to trade for :) No I am not NPIP, but they are from NPIP breeders/hatcheries. I plan on getting everyone tested in the Spring before I hatch another few hundred eggs through Summer. Sorry if that's a deal breaker for you!

Aw, we had a little banty Cochin who was our favorite, but we lost her to wild birds :( Now I have her daughter out of our old FBCM roo who looks like a mini Marans with the Cochin clown pants :)
I just got mine tested this summer. It was easier than I thought it would be, but finding eggs I can get is harder! My husband said he's throwing away my incubators if I hatch anymore this winter anyways. I've got one duck egg in there and then I'm supposed to be done. It's so hard having eggs and empty incubators!!!
I would be intersted in some eggs.

Only thing currently laying right now is my EE pen. I have a Wheaton Ameraucana and a Blue/Red Thai rooster over EE hens. I did get a Jersey Giant egg last week, but that was 3 days ago.

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