My leukemia's back.

Been reading up on this. Just seeing it. She's beautiful. Prayers that everything goes well. My daughter in law that lives here, found out her mother has breast cancer. She's going in next week for surgery also, then just sone radiation treatments. They found out they need to take more of her breast than originally thought, so a plastic surgeon will be in the operating room also to do repair. Hopefully they found Diane's cancer soon enough. They think they did for Bronwyn's mother.
I hate cancer. Lost my dad to it when I was only 4 years old, and lost my step-dad to it 25 years ago. I had it and survived. Terri had it, and survived both times. Lost Rachel to it. Little Ashley fought it. And now Diane.

I’ll add Bronwyn’s mother to prayers.
Prayers for all of you.

I have much more trouble with the "pre" stuff. The waiting on surgery... waiting to hear how far it has spread... waiting and not knowing exactly what we are up against..


Oh, absolutely! The wait has been excruciating for all of us, but especially for her. She told me that on her “sad” nights she lays in bed and swears she can feel things moving around in there, like little bugs deep in her breast tissue, or like she can feel the tumors slowly growing. But then she bounces right back up, puts on her “Lee Press-On Smile” and goes about her business.
I hate cancer. Lost my dad to it when I was only 4 years old, and lost my step-dad to it 25 years ago. I had it and survived. Terri had it, and survived both times. Lost Rachel to it. Little Ashley fought it. And now Diane.

I’ll add Bronwyn’s mother to prayers.
My goodness Blooie. 💗 I've said prayers for Diane, will continue.

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