My leukemia's back.

Just heard. lumpectomies went well. They’re waking her up now. She’ll go home later this afternoon, or actually back to boyfriend Mike’s house. His mom is a nurse, so that makes us feel better.

We’ll know more about what they found in 3 days or so. Thanks for all the prayers and support!
Thanks for the update.

I am glad it went well.
Been reading up on this. Just seeing it. She's beautiful. Prayers that everything goes well. My daughter in law that lives here, found out her mother has breast cancer. She's going in next week for surgery also, then just some radiation treatments. They found out they need to take more of her breast than originally thought, so a plastic surgeon will be in the operating room also to do repair. Hopefully they found Diane's cancer soon enough. They think they did for Bronwyn's mother.
What day is she going in for surgery?
Just heard. lumpectomies went well. They’re waking her up now. She’ll go home later this afternoon, or actually back to boyfriend Mike’s house. His mom is a nurse, so that makes us feel better.

We’ll know more about what they found in 3 days or so. Thanks for all the prayers and support!
Good update. Hoping for good results.

Still looking pretty woozy, :lau
No... Cynthia's daughter-in-law... she was also having surgery this week... but more severe lumpectomy, since reconstruction will be needed.
Boy, did I misread THAT! Sorry! :oops: And I knew that,too….just got so excited about how well DIane is doing I let it slip my mind. Not very considerate of me.
All considered she looks great!

She does.

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