My leukemia's back.

Incredibly sad how common that issue is!

Because it only takes one #$@ to mess it up.

I have 2 sisters... I am reasonable, older sis is reasonable... but then... we have the baby sis!!
I have 2 sisters. Older is up for sainthood, younger is disowned, and then of course there is me. I was executor of my mother's will. Took no fee, everything was divided equally except that younger sister got the Florida house - no problem as it was justified. At the reading of the will she got ticked because she found that my mother had removed her as executor. "You will hear from my lawyer!" multiple 'F' bombs included. Go for it - I hereby divorce myself from you and the crap I have tolerated my entire life. I have never looked back. You can't miss what you never had. I have seen her twice since then - at her husband's funeral and at her son's wedding. Life is so much smoother without her in it.
I have 2 sisters and 2 step sisters. Everything fine so far with respect to both mother and step mother's deaths but the sister that is a year younger than me is kinda persona non grata in the family since she didn't invite the step sisters to either of her daughters weddings. This after both those girls were invited to my older older (one is a year older than me, the other 1 month older) step sister's wedding 12 years ago. We've known the step sisters as long as we can remember and have been related to them for over 50 years. Pretty much broke my dad's heart.

Dad, older sister, her kids and my family have Sunday Zoom every week, younger sister doesn't even know about it. Step sisters join in when they are visiting dad.
I have 2 sisters. Older is up for sainthood, younger is disowned, and then of course there is me. I was executor of my mother's will. Took no fee, everything was divided equally except that younger sister got the Florida house - no problem as it was justified. At the reading of the will she got ticked because she found that my mother had removed her as executor. "You will hear from my lawyer!" multiple 'F' bombs included. Go for it - I hereby divorce myself from you and the crap I have tolerated my entire life. I have never looked back. You can't miss what you never had. I have seen her twice since then - at her husband's funeral and at her son's wedding. Life is so much smoother without her in it.
At least your mom stuck you in charge..

Looks like no matter how I word it, baby sis will be in charge of everything and have control of everything.

And baby sis, in addition to her other faults, can NOT be counted on to do paperwork. Baby sis STILL doesn't do her own taxes (my mom does them).
At least your mom stuck you in charge..
Mom was no dummy. Sister aided her when Mom was living at home. She was 'necessary'. Once Mom decided to move to an assisted care facility she asked me to come to Fla. Her first order of business was taking me to see Mr Diaz to have me instated as executor. After all the paperwork was done, he said, "I have represented your parents for 30 years. I want you to know that I will be watching you closely." I responded, "Oh, you've met my sister." Mom said, "He's not like the other one." :lau Charlie Diaz and I became good friends.
Very sad that your siblings can't share.
Thanks, but it’s not really as simple as that. Families are so complicated.

My brother got all of my dads stuff because my dad had some archaic views about “my son, my only son.” The stuff my brother didn’t want he gave away without asking me or my sister because they were his & he had a right to give them away & why would he ask us if we wanted man stuff, we’re girls.

My mother has just recently moved into my sisters new house. My sister got rid of all her stuff to make room for my moms stuff. It’s all now my sisters stuff.
Many years ago when my grandparents passed, my mother & her twin sister split everything. They have always been very close & were meticulous about it. They literally said, “I pick one thing, you pick one thing, I pick one thing…” Real property was split down the middle. To this day My cousins say that my mother got all the good stuff & my aunt got ripped off.

It’s so weird. What is this good stuff in which they speak? My aunt had told them it was all done fair, but they are convinced my mother got some kind of hidden treasure or something. :confused:
My brother, and I don't get along at all. When mom died, my dad distributed things the way mom had instructed him. My brother and his kids got what she had designated that they were to have. Same thing for me, and mine. Before dad died, he had my brother come get most of the things he was designated to get. The plan was that when dad got out of the hospital, he was going to move in with me. He didn't make it out of the hospital. I got first choice on the remainder of the things left that I wanted, then my brother got to pick from what I didn't want. Even though we did/do not get along at all, we did manage to work through the division of the property without any fuss. I think it was a surprise to both of us.
My oncologist's primary nurse called today. My appointment was scheduled for the 24th. of this month, and she wants me in sooner. It's been moved to the 10th, and may be moved to an even sooner date. I didn't copy/paste the entire thing, which is long, and detailed, but the conclusion portion pretty much says it all. Now, to get this stuff stopped again.

CT-22-0054746 7/28/2022 13:47 EDT CT NTAP w/Cont
PATEL MD,ANKITA K Auth (Verified)
Reason For Exam
(CT NTAP w/Cont (Neck,Thorax,Abd,Pelvis)) Re: Metastaic Breast Cancer
CT Findings
Procedure: CT NTAP w/Cont (Neck,Thorax,Abd,Pelvis)
Date of Exam: 7/28/2022 1:47 PM EDT
Clinical Information: Re: Metastatic Breast Cancer

1. Postsurgical changes in both breasts and surgical clips in both axilla from lymph node dissection.
2. Enlarged right hilar lymph node is new since prior PET/CT scan from 6/4/2021.
3. Multiple pleural metastasis in both lungs with bilateral pleural effusions. The pleural disease is greater than on prior
study and the pleural effusions are new.
4. Increased in the right internal mammary adenopathy since previous study.
5. Extensive blastic bony metastatic disease is increased since prior study.
My oncologist's primary nurse called today. My appointment was scheduled for the 24th. of this month, and she wants me in sooner. It's been moved to the 10th, and may be moved to an even sooner date. I didn't copy/paste the entire thing, which is long, and detailed, but the conclusion portion pretty much says it all. Now, to get this stuff stopped again.

CT-22-0054746 7/28/2022 13:47 EDT CT NTAP w/Cont
PATEL MD,ANKITA K Auth (Verified)
Reason For Exam
(CT NTAP w/Cont (Neck,Thorax,Abd,Pelvis)) Re: Metastaic Breast Cancer
CT Findings
Procedure: CT NTAP w/Cont (Neck,Thorax,Abd,Pelvis)
Date of Exam: 7/28/2022 1:47 PM EDT
Clinical Information: Re: Metastatic Breast Cancer

1. Postsurgical changes in both breasts and surgical clips in both axilla from lymph node dissection.
2. Enlarged right hilar lymph node is new since prior PET/CT scan from 6/4/2021.
3. Multiple pleural metastasis in both lungs with bilateral pleural effusions. The pleural disease is greater than on prior
study and the pleural effusions are new.
4. Increased in the right internal mammary adenopathy since previous study.
5. Extensive blastic bony metastatic disease is increased since prior study.
Well... suckage.....

At the same time though... amazing how improved treatments are ... every year things get better....

I just compare my grandmother, to my mom, and my aunt... all got breast cancer... but years apart.. each one had better treatment than the last.

:hugs we will pray, and cheer you on!

Keep us updated... cry, scream, whatever... we will be here. :hugs

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