My leukemia's back.

Hi all. Last day of chemo! Now it will be the waiting game of my counts tanking and waiting for recovery, hopefully without too many complications. They are now talking about transfusion me with lymphocytes from my original donor and see how that does. Not as brutal as a full on transplant again. It does mean another month plus long stay up here I guess. Poor Honey is going to be run ragged and I worry about the boys being alone so much. Thankfully folks at home are stepping up and providing them with meals, how sweet.

Was supposed to have a lady come buy birds today but I guess it's too rainy. Did sure like to get rid of some to lighten their load.
Rachel !
Worry about you
I know it's not in your nature, but you have raised those boys right, and they are strong young men. As I said earlier they will be fine. Honey will be fine, and YOU will be fine. Being away from home is gonna suck, but you can do what you have to do.
Hi all. Last day of chemo! Now it will be the waiting game of my counts tanking and waiting for recovery, hopefully without too many complications. They are now talking about transfusion me with lymphocytes from my original donor and see how that does. Not as brutal as a full on transplant again. It does mean another month plus long stay up here I guess. Poor Honey is going to be run ragged and I worry about the boys being alone so much. Thankfully folks at home are stepping up and providing them with meals, how sweet.

Was supposed to have a lady come buy birds today but I guess it's too rainy. Did sure like to get rid of some to lighten their load.

Hi there!
Glad to hear things are not as brutal as before for ya.

I'm going to guess that your crew at home won't mind having a few extras on the daily load to take care of....
Those birds will be just one til the rain stops.
Hi all. Last day of chemo! Now it will be the waiting game of my counts tanking and waiting for recovery, hopefully without too many complications. They are now talking about transfusion me with lymphocytes from my original donor and see how that does. Not as brutal as a full on transplant again. It does mean another month plus long stay up here I guess. Poor Honey is going to be run ragged and I worry about the boys being alone so much. Thankfully folks at home are stepping up and providing them with meals, how sweet.

Was supposed to have a lady come buy birds today but I guess it's too rainy. Did sure like to get rid of some to lighten their load.

Hooray for the last day of Chemo! Like Sour said, you raised your boys right so they will be fine. I'm sure they'll be missing you like crazy, but fine. So nice that friends are helping out with meals, such a blessing.

Hope you are feeling OK and that you are not too bored!
Hey Rachel, hugs and prayers. God has you in the palm of His hand. The boys will be fine. Hubby will be fine. Praise God for friends who are stepping in with meals. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Allow them to bless you, and by doing so, they will reap the greater blessing. That chemo went quick (says I who didn't have to deal with it!) Sounds like getting more cells from your original donor is a good match for you!
Hooray for the last day of Chemo! Like Sour said, you raised your boys right so they will be fine. I'm sure they'll be missing you like crazy, but fine. So nice that friends are helping out with meals, such a blessing.

Hope you are feeling OK and that you are not too bored!

x2! You have a strong army of young men and a husband that loves you Rachel. Don't worry about them having to handle too much, they're up for it and they'll do it for you with love in their hearts. It's time for you to take care of you.

Hugs & prayers for all of you
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray your blessing on Rachel and her family this day. I pray that her treatment team will meet her every medical need with knowledge, wisdom, perfect timing, and compassion. In Jesus Awesome name, I pray.

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