My life flashed before my eyes, ok so maybe not, but I did see stars.


I must be crazy!
13 Years
Oct 5, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
So I am cleaning algae off the inside of my aquarium. Yes, I have algae.
I have a slightly planted tank, so I have extra watttage on my lights and I overfeed so I don't have to use fertilizers for the back to cleaning the tank.

So I have my razor blade and I am scraping the tough little green dots off and work my way to the back of the tank. Scrape, scrape, oh that heater is hot! Scrape, scrape.... My daughter says "Mom, that fell." I continue scraping with my arm in the water, I look in the tank and what do I see?

The bottom half of the glass case for the heater.
My eyes dart up to the heater, orange light on, arm in water, electricity, forget to breath, I see spots as I yank my arm out of the water!
I immediately unplug the darn thing and throw it in the trash. Nervously grab the glass out of the tank, throw it away and finish scraping algae.
Oh. my. goodness. Frightful!

I've seen stars once too, I dropped a can of shaving cream right on my toe in the shower, literally saw stars, it hurt so bad.

Thanks to the Lord you didn't get zapped. Phews.
I'm so scared of zapping myself that I unplug everything including lights when I clean a tank. Was an emt for a long time and saw heard some nasty stories. So glad you are alright though.
I might just be an idiot but wouldn't it be safer to just get a couple of algae eaters in the tank and let them do the cleaning? Or is there something about the plant life that they would kill? Just wondering.

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