My little agony


Apr 5, 2021
hamilton MT
My Coop
My Coop
I have a turkey named agony, and I will be telling its story.
We didn't buy him he was bought for us after two of our chicks died. And first night was good I only had to wake up twice 😌 the chicks would bite its toes and it would yelp with a loud chirp! Morning, today we will try to get the chicks and little agony to the coop 😀👍(this thread is to be updated frequently)
I have a turkey named agony, and I will be telling its story.
We didn't buy him he was bought for us after two of our chicks died. And first night was good I only had to wake up twice 😌 the chicks would bite its toes and it would yelp with a loud chirp! Morning, today we will try to get the chicks and little agony to the coop 😀👍(this thread is to be updated frequently)
I assume that you are not providing the poult with the proper feed since it is your only turkey poult.

Turkey poults need a high protein (28% to 30% protein) turkey or game bird starter for the first six to 8 weeks. Chick starter, especially the cheap 17% protein chick starters do not provide the necessary levels of protein, lysine, methionine and niacin that turkey poults need for proper development. Do not be surprised if your poult develops leg issues due to the lack of proper nutrition.
I assume that you are not providing the poult with the proper feed since it is your only turkey poult.

Turkey poults need a high protein (28% to 30% protein) turkey or game bird starter for the first six to 8 weeks. Chick starter, especially the cheap 17% protein chick starters do not provide the necessary levels of protein, lysine, methionine and niacin that turkey poults need for proper development. Do not be surprised if your poult develops leg issues due to the lack of proper nutrition.
I'll check the protein
(In the follow ing images, agony will be looking out the window and sleeping in my hand)Agony is about 3 days old.. Pictures of my adorable baby agony:
Update! We moved agony to the coop in the coop brooder, he has imprinted on me but not severely he doesn't freak out when I leave. But he does miss me .
Agony loves to hang out in my hair! Lol Agony rubbs her head on my neck and It tickles!:gigI can't help but love agony. But we also moved agony back inside to the brooder she was first introduced to (I'm assuming that agony's a she) I moved her back because all the young ones including agony were being trampled and we even lost some...😔 but she is doing great 👍. But I also need a little help because I need to know what will happen if I keep feeding her ( again, assuming she's a girl) chick starter and how to prevent that without switching food sources. Can I make a high protein mix of nuts and stuff or should I just keep it the way it is?

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