My little barn tractor

Why Did The Chicken Cross

11 Years
May 23, 2010
North Carolina
Hello All
This is my 2nd post although I signed up last year and have been lurking around every now and then
I've been meaning to post but have been too lazy!

Last Mother's day my five year old and I went to Southern States and got 2 Dominique hens. I didn't get them for my wife, but for my son and I and she was not happy I did!!! Now she finally likes them but still gives me a hard time because I got them on Mother's day.

Here are a couple of pictures of my son with "Heiner and Deiner" as he named them.



Of course I didnt' have anywhere to put them
So I got a plastic tub and a light and kept them in the chicken for a couple of weeks! Then to the garage.

They were easy to raise since I have had pheasants and quail and ducks 20 years ago.

Since I needed a coop I decided I didn't want a huge one for 10 or more chickens. So I came up with this little barn coop.

Most of the wood came from a cedar fence that someone threw out when they replaced it with a new fence. I planed and glued these boards together.

I also had 2 huge eastern red cedar trees that blew down in a storm and I had them sawed up and made a raised bed out of the wood and I had enough left over to use in this coop too!

Guess who crawled in the coop?


Self portrait by my son.

A friend told me in advance that paint would come off the driveway with a pressure washer so I wasn't too careful....and of course it won't come off and is still there today.


Another picture taken by my son.

Finished coop.

Since the last picture I have added 3 faux windows on each side made from the white trim. They are a little smaller than the window in front. I also have a window with wire in the back for ventilation, a back door, and both sides lift up to get the eggs and get into the coop.

I used 1/2 by 1/2 hardware cloth and a much bigger fencing type of wire (I found on my property) for the bottom.
The only things I bought were the roof, some of the trim, paint and some of the hardware cloth, and the wheels....ok well I guess I bought more than I realized! But I only had to buy a couple of pieces of wood.
Picture quality on this one is bad, but I had to scramble to get the camera and it was getting dark.

This is when the chicks were about 1/2 grown.

Knock on wood, the hawks have left them alone so far. I let them free range most of the time.

And the hawk's nest is at my neighbor's yard right on the property line in a tall white pine! They use it every year.

They must be too big now for the hawks, I'm not sure. I'm thinking bantams wouldn't make it.

Its a great setup for a few hens. Good job
Now let your wife pick out a pullet for mothers day.

On free ranging... I am on 5 acres, coyotes howl all the time, eagles and hawks fly over all the time. There are owls (I can hear them) and I saw a raccoon coming out of the barn too... my flock of about 10 free range daily and put them selves to bed. So for all is well and its been over 2 years. Not sure about your eco system but here there are so many (hundreds) of bunnies everywhere (land behind me is state wetlands project so there are ducks too. This tells me that my wildlife population is sustaining well on the natural prey they find and don't need to venture to my barn/house area to look for food.
Thanks for liking the coop. That isn't a chicken in the green shirt but he is a monkey!!

I told my wife today that we were going to get her some more chicks for Mother's day and make it a tradition, but she wasn't amused....
Great job,
We were wondering if you could give us the size of you coop itself. we have some new bantam cochins and thought that this would be great housing for them.
there is a product called "oops" that you can buy at Home Depot that should help with some of that over spray paint
The coop itself is almost exactly 3 feet wide by 3 feet long by 3 feet tall (at the highest point).

The attached run is 3 feet by 5 feet long.

I really like it for my setup. I only have the 2 chickens and they seem fine, although I usually let them out all day, less so in the winter though.

I would love some cute little bantams, but pretty sure they would be just the right size for a hawk snack.

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