My little chicken has been constantly sleeping. Is something wrong?


In the Brooder
Dec 10, 2019
I have this little hen, I have no idea what the bread is. (So if someone knows that would be great) she’s about 7 months old and has not grown in size since she was 6 weeks old! I’ve had constant problems with her! When she stops eating I hand feed her with a pipett dropper. When it gets to cold outside for she shivers and I bring her in (it’s California.. it doesn’t get that cold, all my other hens are fine) But now that the weather is constantly above 65 she sleeps with the others. She’s so small she can squeez out of chicken run which is fine. But recently she’s been hanging out by herself outside the run and constantly sleeping in random places! I named her flash because she’s so dang quick it’s like a little yellow streak but recently she’s been really slow. She hasn’t laid any eggs yet either, she is always squinting her eyes now. I’m really worried, she my favorite little chicken :( we have a special bond. Willing to pay for any medication no matter the cost. Please help. (Also her poop looks more on the yellow side)


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She might be a failure to thrive chicken, or she could have had chronic coccidiosis that has kept her from growing. Can you take some of her droppings in to a vet for a fecal float? Have you ever had any coccidiosis or respiratory disease in the flock? Both of those can stunt growth and affect egg laying. I would give her some chick vitamins for awhile, and try to get her eating separately at least once a day to try and build her up. Corid is how coccidiosis is treated, and it is used in the water for 5-7 days. It is availabel at feed stores.
She might be a failure to thrive chicken, or she could have had chronic coccidiosis that has kept her from growing. Can you take some of her droppings in to a vet for a fecal float? Have you ever had any coccidiosis or respiratory disease in the flock? Both of those can stunt growth and affect egg laying. I would give her some chick vitamins for awhile, and try to get her eating separately at least once a day to try and build her up. Corid is how coccidiosis is treated, and it is used in the water for 5-7 days. It is availabel at feed stores.

ThankYou so much! I will do that. I’m new to all this, all my other hens seem fine and have always been extremely active digging up my garden 🙄. But I don’t even know what coccidiosis is. I’ll look it up. I really hope she can recover 🥺

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