My Little Giant styrofoam incubator never dries off the chicks


Apr 26, 2023
I do not like the Little Giant Incubator. It is still air, styrofoam and has no egg turner. The bare bones $50 one I bought at Russell Feed. I pretty much have a 100% hatch rate. Unfortunately, every single time, the chicks remain soaked after hatch and never dry off not even a little. The last time, I tried to leave them there for 24 hours to dry off. 19 hours later, not even a little drier. So, we were in a panic as we took all 4 out of the incubator to a open small box in 71 degree temperature and put them in the brooder that was in the next room. We thought they would dry off in the brooder under the brooder plate but it didn't work. They were still sopping wet after almost a couple of hours. Then I got out the hair dryer and dried them, which finally worked.

I have been searching the internet and you tube to figure out why I feel that this is only happening to me.

Now those 4 chicks have been super tired, sleeping all day. The 48 hours is up at 2 am tonight. I did show them where the food and water is, but they are barely touching it. One chick I believe has a slipped tendon and I don't know how to fix that. Then the fourth toe, which is the back toe of the same leg is just dangling. I am not sure if that is because she is having the rest of her foot limp or if that back toe is broken.

Now there are a new 4 inside the incubator, not drying off one iota. I don't want to shock the next 4 either.

Please help me find a solution to save the first 4 and not harm these next 4.

Thank you!
I use a little giant still air. Once chicks hat h they do not need to stay in an incubator to dry off. You can move them immediately after that h to a warm brooder to dry. I do with no issues.
lol, if you got a high hatchrate i wouldnt change a thing .. high humidity tends to stabilize temps .. but chicks are ready for the brooder exactly 1 second after they detach from the egg, so move them to it, wet ... be sure the heat source is set up so they can easily crawl around to find a comfy temp and there are no drafts .. the only condition then, that id worry about is if theres older chicks in the brooder that are already dry and running around, you will want to cordon off an area with cardboard or something in the warm spot so they dont get pecked on until they dry and get their bearings ...
lol, if you got a high hatchrate i wouldnt change a thing .. high humidity tends to stabilize temps .. but chicks are ready for the brooder exactly 1 second after they detach from the egg, so move them to it, wet ... be sure the heat source is set up so they can easily crawl around to find a comfy temp and there are no drafts .. the only condition then, that id worry about is if theres older chicks in the brooder that are already dry and running around, you will want to cordon off an area with cardboard or something in the warm spot so they dont get pecked on until they dry and get their bearings ...
Thank you for the advice!

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