My mom once told me...


Oct 6, 2020
Southern California
I was once looking around a creekbed with my mom, and I came across a sharp piece of worked stone. I brought it to Mom, and said "I think I found an arrowhead!"

She gave me a big smile and said "When people don't find an arrowhead, they ask if it's an arrowhead. When you find one, you know it."

One of my 6 week old chicks is DEFINITELY a roo. He is lighter in color, his posture is very different than the others, he's larger, his comb is bigger he's more alert, and already acting protective of the other five. The think that sealed the deal for me was last night:

Momma hen left them for the first night on Saturday, and the chicks still sleep in the nest. Last night, I went in and moved them up to a roost. I didn't have much doubt that this one was a cockerel, but as soon as I picked him up, I knew. He's a sturdy lil bird!

I'll probably still have concerns that some of the others are male, but I'm calling it now: 5 pullets 1 cockerel!
I was once looking around a creekbed with my mom, and I came across a sharp piece of worked stone. I brought it to Mom, and said "I think I found an arrowhead!"

She gave me a big smile and said "When people don't find an arrowhead, they ask if it's an arrowhead. When you find one, you know it."

One of my 6 week old chicks is DEFINITELY a roo. He is lighter in color, his posture is very different than the others, he's larger, his comb is bigger he's more alert, and already acting protective of the other five. The think that sealed the deal for me was last night:

Momma hen left them for the first night on Saturday, and the chicks still sleep in the nest. Last night, I went in and moved them up to a roost. I didn't have much doubt that this one was a cockerel, but as soon as I picked him up, I knew. He's a sturdy lil bird!

I'll probably still have concerns that some of the others are male, but I'm calling it now: 5 pullets 1 cockerel!

Suspect roo is perched on the plywood:

Another shot of suspected roo:
This one is a pullet, methinks:

Attempted overhead shot of three suspected pullets. Roo's rump under the pallet:

I tried for a better comb shot here:
Suspect roo is standing up tall in the back. Another pullet suspect is the farthest in frame:
The sun wasn't cooperating with my photo angles this morning. I'd have tried harder if I posted specifically for gender ID. I don't mean to make more work for people here!

At 6 weeks, the difference between pullet and cockerel is dramatic. He weighs at least half more than any of the other five!

And yeah I forgot to mention the wattles, good point!
I just wanted to share my experience
I agree, once you actually see both genders it becomes much more clear.

I find the hardest batches of chicks to sex are the ones that are all one gender, because there are always tiny differences that "might" mean something. But when you have a cockerel and a pullet, the difference is usually very obvious!

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