My mom waste my eggs!


8 Years
May 25, 2011
Sugar Land, TX
So today, I was giving my mom eggs because she wanted to cook pancakes. Some of the first couple of eggs had blood ( I found a hidden nest today...) and so she just threw them away! Yall should have SEEN my face
I was like, MOM the chickens can STILL eat it!! lol. And she threw away five eggs, (about three days worth of eggs), then I had to stop her for the egg shells... I corrected her so that now she knows not to waste them. She was like, "I have probably done that to like 20 eggs."
If I see a blood spot I just remove it and keep cooking. I have read that blood spots can occur in eggs even when they are not fertilized.

I hope your mom knows that a hen sometimes sits on the nest for 45 minutes or more to prepare for laying (I read this somewhere and that is what I see with my own eyes). I tell my children that the hen worked an hour for that egg they are eating.
You collect the eggs for eating, because unless it was either really old, or there was a broody sitting on it, the eggs were perfectly fine.

I have several hens who like "privacy" and hide their nests. They never go broody, they never sit, and I always start looking when my green egg count goes down. It will often take me a few days to find the nest. The eggs are fine.
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I know how you feel. Even though my boyfriend knows how little the birds lay he gets picky with eggs. Even now, at most the eggs we have around here are 2 weeks at most, but they still need to be cracked in a seperate bowl..bla bla. Lol, it irritates me because I just like to crack it into whatever is being made, if it was older or questionable i would do it seperately.
He also wants to throw ones away that my have a hairline crack or something and I have to tell him no, we can cook it up for them to eat, feed is not cheap!

Also, bloodspots are just from a blood vessel that burst while the egg was forming, I think. Yes. "They’re caused by the rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk surface when it’s being formed or by a similar accident in the wall of the oviduct. "
nobody ever thinks about blood when it's a big old has blood all in it ...people just call it "juicy" you "cook" the blood "out" of it... lol I don't like the looks of a blood spot either,but when you think about it .... you "cook" a lot of bloody things....

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