My Name is MammaB and I now realize that I have an addiction.


8 Years
Jun 25, 2011
I went to a neighboring farm and she showed me her new chicks. she told me where she got them and I called this morning. they are being shipped in next wednesday to the feed store and I pick up my newest babies. The feed store owner asked me how many I wanted and I said 20. 20!!!!!! So I have a couple of weeks till they are big enough to add to the older girls in the coop, so I have a little time to enlarge things.

Oh!! They are Aracunas.

I can now have Green Eggs and Ham on my farm!!!
Ahahaha, trust me, you're not the only one hooked on green eggs & ham!

Got my chickens just last week, and am now waiting for the first egg, hopefully soon !
Good luck with the new chicks! I'm addicted to, we weren't going to get anymore since we already have enough but then one day I couldn't stop myself and ordered 20 chicks. Haha enjoy them!
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They are HERE!!!! Finally!!! Only one problem.....when I went to the feed store to get them, the guy had extras!!!!! Instead of 20 I got 40. After all Delight did tell me to go for it.
I will snap a few pictures this evening and post them

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