My name is "Poohbear


On a Time Out
11 Years
Nov 12, 2008
I am an older gentleman, happily married for 49 years to the same little lady. She was 15 and I was 17. Of course I was in the military and fresh out of highschool at the time. My passion is raising healthy chickens and now that I am retired that's just about all I do except for odds and ends around the place. i can't leave out other type of feathered friends either but chickens seems to be all I've raised so far and I enjoy ALMOST every minute in the chicken yard with them. Very relaxing to watch these beautiful fowl and their babies. I get VERY attached to them.I have one hen that I have had for sixteen years and she is still active (not laying or breeding) and running in the chicken yard. She is ALSO retired:) I eat KFC chicken but not my chickens. I do LOVE my fresh eggs and share with neighbors and friends when I have extras. I should SELL them with the price of eggs but it's fun to take eggs to those that enjoy them. I just found this site today and just found this forum a few minutes ago. I really enjoy reading here but type with two fingers so I'll be doing more reading than typing,lol.
Welcome Poohbear. As my name implies, I too have climb over life's mountain. I found this site last May and have enjoy it immensely. I've learned alot, shared some, and meet some really nice people. I know you will look forward to logging on to read the latest or share a moment. Congratulations on the long successful marriage as well.

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