My neighbor’s dog is tearing my coop apart.

It sounds like the dog needs some training - and not just for your chickens. She probably needs more exercise and they need to play games with her to challenge her in problem solving. If she has learned to destroy whatever is in her way to get to what she wants, then they may start having other problems with her.

Can you put the dog on leash and work with her around your chickens? work on getting her to ignore them as you walk past the coop and run. Start far away and gradually move closer as she gets better at ignoring them. Treats, her favorite toy, whatever will keep her attention off the birds if you need to. If she focuses on the birds - snap the leash, say "NO" and turn and walk away.
Nice to hear neighbors working together to solve this problem instead of going to war over it, which is usually what gets posted here.

Training of the dog is the owners responsibility....and if they were capable it would already be done, but sounds like they have their hands full.

Best of luck to the OP.
I agree that it is the owners responsibility to train the dog. It doesn't sound like they are doing any training to work with the issue. Just locking the dog away will not change the behavior.
It sounds like the dog needs some training - and not just for your chickens. She probably needs more exercise and they need to play games with her to challenge her in problem solving. If she has learned to destroy whatever is in her way to get to what she wants, then they may start having other problems with her.

Can you put the dog on leash and work with her around your chickens? work on getting her to ignore them as you walk past the coop and run. Start far away and gradually move closer as she gets better at ignoring them. Treats, her favorite toy, whatever will keep her attention off the birds if you need to. If she focuses on the birds - snap the leash, say "NO" and turn and walk away.
Oh my. Good fences make good neighbors. Although that suggestion is what Jesus would want us to do....
It looks like I'm going to learn how to install an electric fence!

I think i already know the answer but is there any way that my hens will ever be free range again or is the dog going to kill them for the rest of her life?

my neighbors agree that an electric fence is the way to go. they are going to pay half and help me set it up ^_^. they're so nice
Awesome! You can do it really inexpensively.

And added bonus, you won't have to worry about predators.

It doesn't have to be a heavy duty fence with electric. I have welded wire with 2 strands. You can put up an area as large as you would like...with the welded wire and fiberglass (look like arrows without the feathers) Then use the chain link connectors. They clip right onto the welded wire. You can anchor them if you feel you need to with a zip tie or something equally ingenious.

Get the cheap charger! I promise it is fine. If it needs to be outside, you could put in inside the coop...? I have 5 to 7k volts and I have it jumped and linked to 3 pens, going through one insulated by plastic container lids and clothespins. Ha!

ETA - if you go light...(not a heavy wooden can move it every now and then...for fresh bugs and grass

Edited again to add...if you need help figuring gates. I can help, but I'm sure you can figure it out, or others here have much more experience.

You will sleep so well...
Last edited: is a great source of good products and good information. They have good people on the phone too. If your neighbor's dog runs through their invisible fence, he might be harder to convince with a very weak fence charger too. Also, do whatever it takes to beef up your coop and run, because the neighbor's dog isn't the only critter out there who likes chicken! It's impossible to overbuild, IMO.

It's not finished or stained, and 'pretty' isn't how I'd describe it, but should be very safe. Mary
You could try spraying the places she rips with her mouth with bitter yuck. One taste of that would stop her from chewing her way in.

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