My Neighbors Rooster

I don't know if the rooster did it but if you don't want it on your property and she won't take care of it, you can take care of it and have chicken and dumplings. Our neighbors flock is always on my property. It doesn't bother me because my birds are penned up. But soon as one of those birds gets mean, my husband scares the bajeezus out of them. If they come back and try to attack us they're gone. We have enough predators no one would bat an eye.
For those of you saying you seriously doubt the rooster did it then why was he establishing pecking order the day before? Why all of a sudden those 3 days he began coming over one of my MALE ducks die? Why were this roosters feathers at the scene of the crime? My duck was smushed into the ground which is how roosters kill, the jump on the back and squish it and they pull out feathers from the wing. Nothing is adding up, I have learned nothing is a coincidence and why I may never know exactly what happened it all points to her rooster. I asked her to keep him away for this exact reason, and then she lies about his whereabouts. I do like the idea of a trail cam though. I don't doubt her rooster did it at all, I saw something similar with another of my chickens but I saw what happened and it was wild turkeys, they decapitated my chicken and I would have thought it'd be the turkey but her roosters feathers were intwined with my ducks. I was reading more on rooster's aggressive behavior and they crow to show dominance and the more they crow the more dominate they are, her rooster crows all the time. Also, he had 2 hens of his own but continues to bother mine. I don't want him at my house and I never did.
For those of you saying you seriously doubt the rooster did it then why was he establishing pecking order the day before? Why all of a sudden those 3 days he began coming over one of my MALE ducks die? Why were this roosters feathers at the scene of the crime? My duck was smushed into the ground which is how roosters kill, the jump on the back and squish it and they pull out feathers from the wing. Nothing is adding up, I have learned nothing is a coincidence and why I may never know exactly what happened it all points to her rooster. I asked her to keep him away for this exact reason, and then she lies about his whereabouts. I do like the idea of a trail cam though. I don't doubt her rooster did it at all, I saw something similar with another of my chickens but I saw what happened and it was wild turkeys, they decapitated my chicken and I would have thought it'd be the turkey but her roosters feathers were intwined with my ducks. I was reading more on rooster's aggressive behavior and they crow to show dominance and the more they crow the more dominate they are, her rooster crows all the time. Also, he had 2 hens of his own but continues to bother mine. I don't want him at my house and I never did.

I totally agree with you....My only difference would be to Catch and cull her Rooster.....Nothing messes with my Birds or me....Next door they got a puppy last year...He came and chased my Chickens...I chased the Pup and the owner off with a Rake and warned him if his dog comes back....His Pup will be under a shovel...
What was this thread for?
Did you want someone to confirm it was the rooster? Advise on what to do about it?

Yes it must of absolutely been that rooster. Eat it. Maybe invite her over, sounds like it would feed several people.
What was this thread for?
Did you want someone to confirm it was the rooster? Advise on what to do about it?

Yes it must of absolutely been that rooster. Eat it. Maybe invite her over, sounds like it would feed several people.

A little of both I guess, experience's with aggressive roosters. I don't know I'm just looking for answers I guess. I'm just very upset about my only drake mallard duck being murdered and I don't understand why he didn't fly away, his wings are not clipped. Something had to have jumped on him but he was upside down when I found him.
A little of both I guess, experience's with aggressive roosters. I don't know I'm just looking for answers I guess. I'm just very upset about my only drake mallard duck being murdered and I don't understand why he didn't fly away, his wings are not clipped. Something had to have jumped on him but he was upside down when I found him.

He was fighting off the Rooster...He was a Drake protecting his territory and his Hen..He would not fly away...
You had turkeys killing your chickens? Holy cow, never imagined they would do that. I've got them here but they give the chickens a wide birth, even the little ones. I do have a brave soul who likes to dust bathe with the girls scares the crap out of me when I walk up on it.
He was fighting off the Rooster...He was a Drake protecting his territory and his Hen..He would not fly away...

Heres another thing, my neighbor has penned her rooster up and I haven't seen him in 2 days now and I have had no problems. I feel if it were a chicken hawk or another predator they would be back. Everything had been very calm, except my last mallard (female) had been very depressed. She hasn't been swimming, she hasn't been with the rest of the ducks, she just been alone and has no interest to be around any of the other animals, can a duck be depressed?

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