My new avatar

uhhhh... you may want to fix Callie's name tag, Aimee - just for the pic.
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WHOA!!! YUCK!!! what is that thing???? it looks so gross! i don't think i want that for an avatar... it's too yuck.
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uhhhh... you may want to fix Callie's name tag, Aimee - just for the pic.

lol, dont worry. The ph# on it is wrong. I just never sent the tag back to get it fixed.

WHEW!!! i was a bit worried there! lol well, i am relieved.
My aunt would go crazy over that! mind if i save it to show her? i wouldnt use it for anything, just show her. shes really into the birds. even photographs my chickens from time to time. You should see her backyard, FULL of bird feeders. She gets mad cause our cats kill off her "subjects"

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