My New Chicken Coop And Run

Hi Jenny, yes it is freezing down here we are in the middle of Winter but at least we don't get snow, so I don't need to worry about that.
It is much colder in Tassie though as BantamBoy said. I know what you must be going through building during a heat wave phew. I'm sure glad my son decided to build it in Winter for his and my sake. lol. I was just supervising hahaaa...but I did do a lot of the staining.

Don't have many predators to worry about except for Foxes and a Goanna who visits every Summer after the eggs but they will not get into this new Coop we made sure of that.

Thanks for looking and good luck with your Coop, I hope it cools off for you soon.
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Jenny, a Goanna is a large Monitor Lizard and can grow to 6ft. in length, they are carrion eaters and love eggs too. The one we see each Summer is about 4ft.

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What a gorgeous set up - what a lovely son too to do that for his mum!!

The chooks are going to be super happy there!!
if I saw that thing slithering across my yard I'd have a stroke. I am agog!! It looks like... well, when a raccoon fiddles with my lock and tries to get into the run I can giggle at his efforts. If that thing approached my coop... it looks like it could defy the laws of physics!!

Jenny, I guess if you are not used to seeing such critters then yes, they do look scary but Goanna's scare pretty easily and head for the nearest tree to escape just as long as you are not between it and the tree it is heading for you are OK.
Goanna's are common in rural areas of Australia and our Summer visitor has even climbed up our patio on the vines and sat on the roof at times. LOL! I prefer it to Venomous Snakes, we get those too.

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