My new "kids"


Jan 15, 2021
We have welcomed 8 chicks to our family - 2 Rhode Island Blues, 2 Noir Morans, 2 Amber Links, and 2 Golden Comets. This journey started in the summer when the pandemic kept us home and hubbie built what he calls the Coop-de-Ville. Well, "I guess we better get some chickens, then". We read, researched, talked with other chicken owners and last week picked up our newborns from the local hatchery. They have grown so much in the last 10 days, testing their wings, perching, eating drinking and entertaining us. We look forward to this journey and have appreciated all the insights we've found in this site.
We have welcomed 8 chicks to our family - 2 Rhode Island Blues, 2 Noir Morans, 2 Amber Links, and 2 Golden Comets. This journey started in the summer when the pandemic kept us home and hubbie built what he calls the Coop-de-Ville. Well, "I guess we better get some chickens, then". We read, researched, talked with other chicken owners and last week picked up our newborns from the local hatchery. They have grown so much in the last 10 days, testing their wings, perching, eating drinking and entertaining us. We look forward to this journey and have appreciated all the insights we've found in this site.
Welcome! It's lot's of fun, we started in March with one rooster and two hens from a neighbor. We just got 3 baby chicks 3 weeks ago, 4 weeks tomorrow i think it is actually. Black Sexlink, Silver Laced Wyandotte and a New Hampshire Red. They are chirping away in my office right now! I'm sure I'll have questions soon about integrating once they are feathered......they are really a lot of fun!!! This site is AWESOME! I haven't asked any questions yet, but I do read a fair amount to look for answers!!

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