My New 'Lil Buttons - *Pics*

They will come in a small box, they will be in your mailbox. You have to let them sit at room 'temp for around 6-8 hours before setting them in the 'bator.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

They will come in a small box, they will be in your mailbox. You have to let them sit at room 'temp for around 6-8 hours before setting them in the 'bator.


Can't wait to get some buttons!​
They will come in a small box, they will be in your mailbox. You have to let them sit at room 'temp for around 6-8 hours before setting them in the 'bator.


Can't wait to get some buttons!

Have fun w/'em.

Warning: They can get addictive!!! I know....started out w/ 1 .. just 1 pair and now look at me!! 25 + more hatching!

Hopeing to post pictures of my 3 new additions in the morning!

Good Night all and God Bless~
Actually you'd have to check in your area if you need a license for these. I don't think Texas requires one, but other states, like Massachusetts and New York, require a permit to own ANY type of quail, even buttons

I checked park and game, it's only the native ones that you need a license for, so does any one have eggs??.... for future refrance.

I have some that sold on ebay but the buyer can't pay for a few days. They are $15 including shipping, I have 26 eggs to send.
I checked park and game, it's only the native ones that you need a license for, so does any one have eggs??.... for future refrance.

I have some that sold on ebay but the buyer can't pay for a few days. They are $15 including shipping, I have 26 eggs to send.

Thats alot of buttons:D
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Two more buttons hatched last night. The 3rd has about 1/2 zipped. Hopefully he'll hatch today sometime.

MAN!!! Now I REALLY want some, too bad both of the incubators are being used for silkies, and an assortment of others(one mine, other Ag teachers)...​
MAN!!! Now I REALLY want some, too bad both of the incubators are being used for silkies, and an assortment of others(one mine, other Ag teachers)...

I have 2 incubators and another one on the way.

I have two chicken eggs hatching on Monday, then 9 more the 28th of this month.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

MAN!!! Now I REALLY want some, too bad both of the incubators are being used for silkies, and an assortment of others(one mine, other Ag teachers)...

I have 2 incubators and another one on the way.

I have two chicken eggs hatching on Monday, then 9 more the 28th of this month.​

Nice, they sound like fun.

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