My new rooster


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 1, 2014
Any on have a clue what my rooster could be?
Your cockerel is either a blue laced or splash laced red Wyandotte. Hard to say what breed the chicks are as many breeds have that chick down pattern. Though I suspect both could be Easter Eggers (what hatcheries call Americanas). Depends on what leg color and comb type they have.
He looks like a Splashed Laced Wyandotte (the blue in Blue Laced Red Wyandottes doesn't breed true, giving splash birds in additon to the BLRW). If you breed a splash to a splash you will get 100% blues.
Also, are these girls truely Ameraucanas?

If you got them from a hatchery or feed store then they are probably Easter Eggers. They are definitely Easter Eggers if they have willow green legs. A true Ameraucana has blue slate legs. Easter Eggers can have blue slate legs too, so if they do have blue legs that doesn't make them Ameraucanas. Post pics again when they're feathered in at 8 weeks or so and we can tell you male or female, EE or Ameraucana.
Thanks all! We did get the chicks from a feed store. According to them they are pullets. The sales clerks said 99% guarantee. I will post more pix of them at a layer date.
He looks like a Splashed Laced Wyandotte (the blue in Blue Laced Red Wyandottes doesn't breed true, giving splash birds in additon to the BLRW). If you breed a splash to a splash you will get 100% blues.
X2 on Splashed Laced Wyandotte rooster, and the two chicks are both Easter Eggers (the greenish tint to the legs is easy to see when the picture is blown up). EEs are my granddaughter's favorite chickens. She loves the different colored eggs they lay. :eek:)

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