My new silkie and polish


16 Years
Jun 23, 2008
North Carolina
Found these off of Craigslist. How do they look to you? I checked them over really well. The polish has an odd personality. He's funny though. The silkie is extremely calm and sweet. She loves to be held. I was told they were 3 months old. Does that look about right? Can you tell what sex they are? I finally got my silkie and polish and I'm so excited!




Thanks. The poor birds hated me when I was looking at them because I was turning them over every which way, messing with their feet, pulling their feathers all apart so I could see their skin, etc.
My polish almost never talk, cluck or crow (I have three). Silkies are NOT evil!!! They are the sweetest creatures on earth (mostly)

Hard to say for sure on the silkie--I've had them almost a year old before I heard a crow and over a year before an egg. I have one who is at least 18 months old and I am not sure

Watch the hackles on the silkie; as long as they stay short: pullet. Streamers say Cockerel.
silkies are real hard to sex. It usally takes some till they are 6 months old to figure out what they are. If I had to guess...I'd say it maybe a roo. but don't take that to heart its really hard to tell. I don't see any streamers on the crest but. It's comb looks very rooish to me. I have had some young roo's that looked just like that at that age. I also believed they was pullets. Give it some time post pics in another 3 months and post new pictures. Somone should be able to tell you if your silkie is indeed a boy or girl. The polish is 100% pullet.

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