My new silkies!


Chicken Enabler Extraordinaire
14 Years
Jan 26, 2007
Mountains of NC
It was finally warm enough for them to ship. I am thrilled to say that even though we were only guaranteed two day express, they got to the local mail processing plant in less than 24 hours. They called to see if I wanted to come get them (this was around 12pm) or wait until this morning to get them. You can probably guess what I did. ;-)

Will try to get better piccies later. Did not want to stress them too much after the trip. Just stuck them in the temporary cage for a few hours for some fresh air.

They were hatched Jan. 6 so still have a lot of growing to do, but I'm quite happy with the quality already in terms of potential.




Alert! pose! They saw the cat and the cat saw them. Eeep!
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gonzo&hispeeps :

Wow They are really cute! Are some of them splash?

Yes, splash, black and at least one blue. I think there's another blue, too, but it's really dark and I'm having a hard time telling if it's black or blue.​
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Any guesses on genders? ;-) I have no clue at this point and I know the pics aren't great to tell from.
Wow - what glamorous chickens. I can see how you can get addicted to them, very adorable.

The pics came out really well actually. How old are they?

EDIT - oh I see 'hatched Jan. 6 ' so just about 2 months old.
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