My new watering system!

heat tape and my tank is heated with two 100 wat light bulbs inside an insulated box, the lights are controlled with a thermo plug from tsc, it kicks on at 40 degrees, works like a champ
san diego, wouldn't be a problem with freezing, I grew up in bakersfield and went to boot camp in san diego, it doesn't get cold enough to cause a problem, I used to occasionally get a film of ice on top of the water jugs, but never anything more than that
How do you clean the internal pipes and nipples? Don't they get algae/slimy? Do mosquitos try to breed in the bucket?
For algae and slime control, paint all your pipes and bucket black. If solar load will be an issue paint them white afterwards.
This will cut the light to zero. Eliminating algae.
I've had 0 problems with algae or mosquitoes. The top of my bucket has a lit. I attatched a 1 1/2" inch drain pipe and elbow for refilling and put an end cap on it. I drilled holes in the cap and caulked some scrap screening to the inside, keeping out bugs and other things.

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