My newly hatched chick is hurt


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
del valle, tx
What's going on with this baby?



This chick isn't even 1 day old.I have a brinsea octagon 20 incubator.. What's wrong with this baby?
Spraddle leg maybe? Was it hatched on a slippery surface? Search the term here on the forum. You can cut a band-aid in half lenghtwise and hobble the legs at the ankle to bring them together to a normal position. Do it ASAP in order to get the best result. In a couple of days remove the aid and the condition should be corrected.
Spraddle leg maybe? Was it hatched on a slippery surface? Search the term here on the forum. You can cut a band-aid in half lenghtwise and hobble the legs at the ankle to bring them together to a normal position. Do it ASAP in order to get the best result. In a couple of days remove the aid and the condition should be corrected.
How would I bring the get the leg itself corrected? It's spread out like that and the chick can pull it in far enough to walk

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