My Nigi-dwarf kidded last night! (Pics added) I hope

Congratulations - nothing cuter than a baby goat. Our goat had quads last Sunday. All four are growing by leaps and bounds and are bounding and leaping all over the place. I am supplementing by bottle feeding them a few times a day since 4 (or even 3) is a bit much for mama to have sole responsibility. You might want to do the same.
Oh Love My Critters, where are youuuuuu??? I'm so jealous that you and sred98 have a BT that loves chickens. Mine loves them too, she loves to eat them!!
She can only go outside when it's dark and everyone is locked up since we free range most of our chickens.

But, on to bigger and better things...I'm just poking fun at you here, but...
SORRY!!!!!!! My dh left his camera at the office yesterday. I threatened him with his life that if he didn't remember to bring it home this afternoon so I could post pics, I was going to SSS him because I would be attacked by the BYC!
Soon... Very soon.... I will be able to post the cuties on here. PROMISE!!

Note: I am watching closely, and plan to supplement if necessary. Right now all the kids are very full and mom still has LOTS of milk left. I am ready to help as soon as necessary.
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