My noob-member introduction

Kung-Pow Chicken

Aug 13, 2020
Greetings everyone,

To begin, I'll answer the recommended questions according to new member introductions thread;
1) I have had a flock of chicken for five years now with three generations of hatch-lings, all started with 4 silkie-bantams.
2) We currently have 3 pullets and one rooster after successfully hatching (unintentionally) a clutch of ten pure-silkies (second generation-we gave a lot of chickens away for others to start a small flock of their own). We also have six 5-week old cross-bred silkie-cochin chicks.
3) Our current flock (as of 7/2020) is 3 pullets; one, 5-year old silkie (is now a grandmother) and two, 3-year old cochins. We have one silkie rooster remaining, whom is also 5-years old and possibly a grandfather (we're still playing"who's the daddy" with five roos that could have sired this recent clutch)...and of course the chicks.
4) This began when my son wanted to start a backyard flock, so after much research and preparation, we chose to start with silkies. We wanted to harvest eggs for eating so the two hens we managed to get were perfect for a family of four. We live in-town with a small-back-yard so we try to control the flock number. It has been an educational, fun experiment, and I continue to read up on suggestions, what to expect when "expecting"; overall how to raise a healthy flock, productive flock.
5) We run a martial-arts studio in our hometown for nearly 20 years. I still do martial arts but have slowed down due to recent physical-conditions, but I can still do some, low-impact techniques--am currently building a studio to store and do art projects (I work mostly with latex-water-based paints)--otherwise I am currently raising two children, thus my predominant occupation is an under-paid "chauffeur."
6) We have a "menagerie" of 2-dogs (pitties-one adopted), two cats (strays), several beta-fish (my oldest son's project), and of course the flock. We have rescued, raised, and released several "critters;" so far 2 squirrels and a raccoon. The one in charge of this troop is our eldest cat, Amelia; she rules this roost.
7) As mentioned previously, I did a lot of research on various sites, including this one, on how to candle, what is a healthy poop, how to possibly treat common-conditions, genetics, temperaments, ect. I continue to read, educate myself and learn from other's experiences and hope to share my own that may aid other, new beginners. These forums have been a wealth of information of FAQ's, how to's, breed topics, ect.

Whew, that's a lot.

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