My official hatching thread...come join me! Everyone welcome!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 4, 2010
Fort Worth
Set 9 Ameraucana eggs today at 1:30 PM exactly in the homemade ghetto 'bator. I have never hatched chicken eggs before, let alone Ameraucanas. But I must say they are the prettiest shade of blue and they came from a gorgeous blue splash hen, who I got to meet in person.

So join me! Anyone, any hatch date, any breeds welcome!
I love updates and pictures (currently working on uploading some pics of the eggs right now myself)

So who wants to join in?!
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3 from my BR (hoping for black sex link for my son, but could be pure BR),
3 from my EE (hoping for olive egger, but could be EE/BR cross)
14 silver penciled rocks
7 BBS Orpingtons.
The colors aren't as vibrant as the picture, IMO. The olive eggers are from the blue eggs and the EE roo under a broody last year. I put them in to fill the bator even though the pullets have only been laying a month or so.
The leghorn has been with our EE roo, too, so maybe, just maybe, we will get a light blue layer. Or a brown layer since we got the olive eggers from him. Doesn't matter what we get. These are destined as a housewarming gift for a farm family we know:)
The orps are pure so we are anxious to get more of them-- and a nice selection of splashes and blues:) We'd even take a black!

I just HOPE we can tell the orps from the EEs when they hatch. I scattered the eggs through the bator in case the different areas of the bator hatch differently.
So I let the incubator settle overnight. This morning I look at the two cheapie thermometers that go on top of the eggs.... one from the turning tray and one from the LG incubator. These are the ones included in the packaging.
One says 103, one says 110, and my digital that is transmitting to the living room is saying 99.
Why even bother including a thermometer if it's wrong? I'm going with the digital.

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